Guided Tours

Hardangervidda Nasjonalparksenter (Engelsk)

Hardangervidda Nasjonalparksenter,Skinnarbu er et statlig autorisert nasjonalparksenter for Hardangervidda nasjonalpark og er samlokalisert med Norsk Villreinsenter Sør som er samarbeidspartner.  Besøk Hardangervidda Nasjonalparksenter Hardangervidda nasjonalparksenter åpnet 14 August 2013 med en interaktivutstilling om natur og villrein i nye lokaler på 600 m2. Interaktiv utstilling på Hardangervidda Nasjonalparksenter, Skinnarbu Utstillingen er blitt svært godt mottatt og er blitt belønnet med 2 internasjonale priser. Utstillingen …

Sabotørstien, Rjukan (Engelsk)

Follow in the footsteps of the saboteurs! The Saboteur’s Trail is the path used by the world-famous Norwegian resistance fighters during World War II when they were on their mission to sabotage the heavy water plant. Details: Length Difficulty Time    8 km High 3-5 hours Description The hike starts at Rjukan Fjellstue, approximately 11 km from the center of Rjukan. …

Byvandring i Rjukan (Engelsk)

Shopping and Forest Idyll! If you enjoy shopping and café visits combined with walks along the river and through beautiful forests, this tour is perfect for you. Description: Length Difficulty Time (no pause) 2,7 km round trip Easy 1 hour It’s family-friendly, an easy round trip, and offers a charming city walk on flat and dry paths, gravel, and asphalt, …

Kvennavegen, Møsstrond (Engelsk)

All Grandparents’ Favorite! River Rapids and High Mountain Cruise in a Remote Village. Description: Length Difficulty Time (no pause) 1,9 km round trip Easy 30 min An easy hike for the whole family, a favorite among grandparents! Well-prepared trail that is great to combine with a day trip on M/B Fjellvåken and lunch or an overnight stay at Mogen Turisthytte. …

Solstien, Rjukan (Engelsk)

The Shortest Route from Rjukan to Hardangervidda Popular stone stairs built by Nepalese sherpas. Description: Length Difficulty Time (no pause) 4,3 km round trip Medium 1,5 hour An easy, family-friendly round trip with views of Hardangervidda and Gaustatoppen. Sherpas from Nepal have built the stone stairs that provide a truly unique nature experience. The hike starts at the top of …

Gaustatoppen (Engelsk)

The Best View in Southern Norway! See 1/6 of Norway from the top! 8.6 km round trip. Description: Length Difficulty Time (no pause) 8,6 km round trip Challenging 5 hours The ultimate viewpoint hike! Gaustatoppen (1883 meters above sea level), the highest mountain in Telemark, is both easy to climb and easily accessible. At the top, you can enjoy the …